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Subject: New
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Hi everybody,
I am a new user of this list. I have followed this list a couple
off days and must say i'm impressed. I hope i can ask here some couple off
questions i am wondering about a hole time.
But first some information of me.
I have buyed blitz some time ago and i love to work with it. I'm 25 years young
and have followed the Amiga since the first A500 came out. First trying to find
my way in AmigaBasic but i have to put this in the trahcan very soon. Then
Hisoft-Basic cames out. But after a while with the new 2.+ roms i have to put
that in the trashcan to.;-)
And now with BlitzII a hole new World opens. Thanx to the creators ! I have
currently a A2000 + 9 meg + 2.1 rom + Turbo 68030 25 Mhz + a GVP controler with
syquest 105 meg and a Quatum 105 meg. Recently i have A1200 to, with 50 meg AT
HD 3.5inch for just testing on 3.0 and AGA.
Currently i am working on a filerequester voor points ! Not some easy requester
but a hole program of recently 150kb that takes a lot work off a point out his
hands.;-) So, you see i am more interested in the Blitz Amiga modes. I think to
upload this prog in one mond, if everything comes right !
It's the first time i am using E-mail, and hope everything i am doing now is
fine. So, if somebody would confirm this, i presiate it. Thanx !